“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster
… when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.”
–Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil, 146
I’m quoting the surly incel because this philosophy was aptly mentioned here. He’s been on my mind lately though because he’s been suffering in my estimation, by comparison with his predecessor Arthur Schopenhauer.
There’s a lot more to say, and even said, in draft form. But the time isn’t ripe yet.
I went out for water. Not from the creek of course. From a vending machine. The little town was crowded, because the interstate is closed west of here for a couple of hundred miles. I guess Flag it getting some inches. It snowed for a minute and a half here last night. Today was just cold and gray and windy. Winter might be over on Sunday but it’s too early to tell.
The NPR had this typical thing on. ‘There’s 200 billion in medical debt in America’ (and nowhere else), and, of course, here’s all the evil hoops you can jump through to try to get a discount on that.
Honestly the greater part of me would rather die a debtor than spend my days playing that game. I know I’m not supposed to say it out loud.
Nor the Israel thing either.
But I did talk about the weather and honor the photo request, so I can still think of myself as a conditionally good boy, rather than an abyss monster, right?