Brazilian Rainforest Cleared To Prepare For A Climate Conference
A lush illustration of the lie at the center of the myth of Progress, and of the whole Enlightened worldview, and the cult of Civilization itself.
It would be one thing if the whole steaming pile of shit was being shoved down your brain in service of a “standard of living” that was truly humane and beautiful. But it’s the opposite.
They need you to believe that things are always improving, even as “things” spiral faster down the Uglification path we’ve been on for some time, because denying the evidence of your own eyes and waving that flag harder is ‘good’ for them, and:
Fuck whether it’s any good for you or the people you love.
You don’t matter to them and you never did.
There’s a great big club and you ain’t in it, and your children won’t be either, whether they get hired by Apple or not, per the prophet Carlin.
When I witness you denying these self-evident truths and slurping on their sadistic asses, yammering about welfare queens and the fake injustices they serve up to you as brainwash, it makes me want to cry.
I don’t cry, though.
Instead I just spill.
Therefore I am.
And so what?
So what now.