I did turn off the comments as part of the Working Title subproject. 97% of them were spam by the point I did it anyway.
Updates on all that inbound but you can’t un-know where I live regardless.
I see that it’s tax time and I know that it matters–to you it does–urgently.
So I’ll do my best. By you. Because of who I always have been and am.
Lion Man.
Real Lefties Support Trump For Taking On The FBI w/Christian Parenti
I watched all of six minutes of it and learned: Christian Parenti is the son of Michael Parenti. Then I thought that had something to do with Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, but it seems I was wrong.
Building on the Ancient Americas channel, and the Peopling of this place, and the spiritual significance of the time of the Bølling-Allerød interstadial, there are these.
What Was Life Actually Like For People In The Stone Age?
Poverty Point: It’s that interstate rest area in Louisiana. A National Monument. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. Another fillgap for the Lascaux and Altimira holes in my life.
And in its very name a rich metaphor, for where I am pointed today, and tomorrow.
Still closer to Home, the story of the Ashes from which Phoenix rose. You may find it piquant, relevant, amusing, or it may leave you cold.
Proxima Centauri is still about 25 trillion miles from here.
A gentle reminder.
No god.
No master.
No nothin’.
Dead end notes.
Popular Opinion should be the name of a big magazine, like Popular Mechanics or
But really, they’re all Popular Opinion.
antisocial media
poverty and unpopularity
pouty bitch why won’t anybody come see?
I think there probably is a good reason to keep on writing.
But publishing, here like this … it’s outlived its usefulness.
imma keep spilling in the long dark, turn some of those spills into belle sunshine, sure, so it goes, sure yeah maybe
here’s my email
The next video is in the can and might well be up by the time time you read this.
Theoretically making slightly more sense than the time you read this
or left it to slide.