the urgency of now

It doesn’t matter how big a deal you are, or how much you love or are loved, conditionally or otherwise. Eventually all trace of you ever having existed, good or bad, will be gone.

Ten or a hundred or a thousand years from now, the last person who ever heard your name or looked into your soul will die, and you will die your second and utterly final death with them, no matter how many books you write or how many times you get laid. Thus I say unto what I acidly think of as my self: You don’t need to do anything.

Thus speaks the prophet:

We don’t know just where our bones will rest. To dust I guess; forgotten and absorbed into the earth below.

Underneath the guilty traffic lights of the cement town, beneath the sound of hope.

I incline toward believing it will be the same for the whole species. I’m right about that. I’m always right. At the same time, I don’t know anything.

Either way and in the meantime:

Oh my life is changing every day in every possible way.
Oh my dreams, yeah, never quite as it seems.
I know I’ve felt like this before. Now I’m feeling it even more, and
then I open up and see the person falling here is … me?

A different way to be. Different from the ways of 1979, or ’84 or ’00 or ’08. Some of them already all but forgotten. The new way to be is cool with even that.

All the ways are stories, and all stories are born and burn bright and fade away, to dust I guess.

As you see there’s no one around.

I defined that scene as isolation and for a few weeks I sardonically said it was splendid, and maybe saying it was necessary but necessity of course is a story too.

As it was when I said no, no, not splendid, but schismatic, the SchisMatrix explains it all, He took all the shopping carts from the mall and took ’em to Ormond, which was Zion.


Lovely fragile things.

Sometimes the reason you don’t know who I’m talking to is because I’m not talking to anyone anymore about anything.

I’m typing words, onto a screen, in the night that is never so endless as it seems, and asking why?
the only difference being that the new way is to never live in expectation of a reply.