Embrace of Fail

You care about what’s happening in the Syrian war, right?

On a related note:

Why Being Born is a Disaster (Einzelgänger, on a kind of deathwish Romanian Buddhism)

I can’t say that I find the philosophy as a whole useful, but pieces are:

To live sanely per society’s norms is to worship cheating and the big lie.

To prosper, in this context of insanity, is no kind of success worth the name.

In the words of the Romanian’s friend Camus, suicide is the only real moral question …

… and Cioran himself says that writing books is a ‘postponed suicide’.

I think that’s all more or less correct and accurate.

Even if it ain’t right.

And thus:

“He evaded fame

rejected praise

and lived in austerity.”

Yes. And in some twisted way that assists me, in enduring.

So bless you, Einz.