Screamin’ Blue

Noted liberal Lewis Black Roasts Democrats’ Post-Election Coping Mechanisms | The Daily Show

Meanwhile, I went to a real doctor for the first time in years (mainly to see if I could get cheaper meds for my existential condition–the jury’s still out) and I learned that I’m in generally excellent health.

The one major area of potential concern is arterial plaque. I think my aorta is probably pretty blocked up.

There are a ton of things out there for potentially reversing this kind of sclerosis.

I’m looking most closely at the ones called K2, berberine, and longer forms of real Fasting.

As for the Who do you thinks gonna care factor, I think there’s three, maybe four of you, and I’m very grateful that you are in the world. Thank you.


I got to wondering about the numbers, and it turns out that 3 out of 4 Americans are now overweight (BMI above 25) or obese (BMI over 30).

I am finally now among the 1 in 4.

Even taking the high side of my measurements for weight and waist, which vary some, I’m sitting at BMI = 24.5 now, just on the upper end of Normal.

(And by the way, I’d have to drop more than 40 more pounds to be considered underweight)

Wanna check yourself with the same calculator?

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