Lumpenproletariat Holiday

Out in the now, I have a mother who I love and who loves me, and lots of loving brothers and sisters.

But even so …

In the family of my birth, every single one of us is a freak of nature out of a Tom Waits song.


In my family smoking is still a thing people do.

In my family, going to college is not a thing people do. It is a major break with family tradition and belief, and in fact an act of profound rebellion, not the defining act of conformity.

In my family, everyone is Homeless.

And even more importantly, exactly the bad kind of homeless that Don’t Really Want To Work.

In my family we are all Welfare Queens, and we all drive ancient but beautiful Cadillacs.


Today I give open and honest and grateful thanks, for my Mom and my brothers and sisters.

It can still be true that in my family, I am the only one left alive.

It can still be just so, that it is down to my one sole self, singing this soliloquy

and a chorus of ghosts.

One thought on “Lumpenproletariat Holiday

  1. But babe, in your most current family, you are definitely NOT alone.
    I love you more! 😘💕

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