It’s a very interesting discussion, but this one line hit me especially hard:
“Childhood and adolescence are thus lived within an elaborate system of conditional love.”
I really have no idea to what extent or in what ways this is true up and down the class structure.
But I have experienced certain ways, and the essential truth of it, all through life–in the distant past of my youth, in the prime of life, and in the senescence of my mortal existence now too, daily as I spill.
It makes me wonder how much of the inequality and insanity and ultimately broken spirituality we live within, as a culture and a society, can be attributed to this single complex factor.
Even if that factor itself is an inevitable product of humanity’s choice to embrace agriculture, sedentism, and what we blithely foist upon each other as “Civilization”.
David Brooks Admits College System Rigs Society For Elites
–via DueDissidence, again