Expected Retaliations

Wednesday was a day lost in the weeds. I went to bed early and I woke up thinking about my mother.

I flipped this machine back on and started hearing the first things about the escalation. An ICBM hitting Dnipro is all I know as I begin to wake and write, of a Thursday predicted to turn into a beautiful weekend, almost a brief Indian summer.

Fuck you Joe.

I’m going to need that coffee.


Russia obliterates city with intercontinental ballistic missile

An old fool admitting to wringing his hands in despair.

Reckon there’s a lot of that going around.


Trump is live but apparently I have to go to Indian State TV to hear it.

His notes are convoluted and rambly, but he does say the globalists not the Russians are the enemy, and he has never been more right in his life.

It’s listed as live, but I don’t know what it is really. AI maybe. The big media are ignoring the story.

The coffee is made. I’m going into chambers to listen to the sound of nothing for a while. More later. Maybe.


Some hours later, my kitchen and I are very clean, the laundry is started, I am ready to head out on the Walk, and there are details emerging.

The main thing I’m struck by is that the Western Hegemon is very lucky to have sage rulers as enemies.

Iran has been showing remarkable restraint for months. China lives that way. And now even Russia, their favorite of all the bogeyman, has shot a retaliatory ICBM, with hypersonic MIRVs, at an allied city, but …

… not only did these MIRVs NOT carry a nuclear payload, but might have carried no significant explosive payload at all.

It was a warning shot, about what might have been, and about what still might be, if the senile Eagle persists in its manifest insanity.

America is very clearly the aggressor here. They shot the ATACMS into Russia, and tried to pretend their puppet Ukraine did it, because Biden wanted to fuck over the start of Trump’s second administration–to force him to start in a hole, and leave him teetering on the brink of world war even before he takes office.

The retaliation, apparently, only amounted to a bit of demonstrative theater.

If nothing changes, Biden and his handlers should be indicted for treason against the nation’s own security. He put all of us, Americans, Russians, Uzbeks and Brazilians, at mortal risk of nuclear fire, for stupid and selfish reasons, and he needs to be impeached yesterday, in spite of the fact that it would mean the red button would be placed into the hands of a witless tool that just lost an election by telling suffering people to dance around in a frenzy of Joy and vote for more of this same anti-human brain-dead shit.

Until something that dramatic happens, humanity itself continues to remain imperiled.


Final note.

I had a nice long hike. But before I left I caught the top of the hour NPR news on the pickup radio.

They had nothing at all to say, about an ICBM impacting Dnipro.

The top story was about Gaetz withdrawing from consideration for AG.

The last one was some feel-good drivel about a prison barbershop.

Either intercontinental missiles are just too trivial to mention these days, or someone at the network mothership got a phone call shushing them for some lame-ass politically motivated reason.

I didn’t vote for him and I never will. But I wish godspeed to the cranky orange narcissist.

May he change shit just enough and just in time to save your ass and mine.

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