Why ‘We’ Lost

And while we’re on that subject …

“If Trump is this bad, and people still prefer him over us, what are we doing wrong?

Apparently you’re not a regular reader of the Spill, Ms. Wu.

Which is fair, because I’ve only watched the first few seconds, of your little video linked here, and quoted above. (But I will.)

I just want to say:

Thank fucking Christ there are people in the world like you, who are willing to ask that question, and especially in that way, out loud.

It lights a small path of hope.

The deafening failure to inquire thusly, over on my intimate side of the world, has shocked and dismayed me, and I think I can admit that now.

One thought on “Why ‘We’ Lost

  1. Okay. I listened. At least until the one-hour mark when she starting talking about how Mike Pompeo had it right all along on Iran …

    She also said some really dumb-ass things about “communists” and “anti-semites”.

    But also some really bright ones, like the comment about everyone pretending for four years that Biden wasn’t senile, and the one about the DemParty having clearly turned into purely a party of elites.

    From an anprim perspective it’s all still pretty hopeless. But I’ll won’t stop listening, or responding, anyway.

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