Riding the Gravy Train

Dr. Gilbert explains for us the difference between:

–Neoconservatives, like George Bush and Victoria Nuland,
–Neoliberals, like Barack Obama and Elon Musk.

In the practical world this is a distinction without a difference, for the simple reason that they are all war pigs, and (given the opportunity) war criminals. They all support for profoundly selfish reasons the pernicious process of endless war, money laundering, ‘spreading democracy’, and wealth transferring and concentrating upwards.

Taken together, in other words, all the hallmarks of modern colonial empire, and, locally, of the Duopoly through which it breathes.

Trump is not a neocon or a neolib, and perhaps that’s why he can rightly claim to have started “no new major wars” in his first term.

That doesn’t mean he won’t turn into a war pig, though, over the alleged threat of big bad scary China, or on behalf of our evil little friends in Jerusalem. It does make him less likely to beat a dead horse in Ukraine, which … is good, of course, but that war is in its bitter final stages anyway.

“We” are gonna lose it, just like Vietnam and Afghanistan, and just like pretty much every war, if you think about it carefully, since the Big One in the 1940s. (Yes, Sodom Hussein died. No, that doesn’t equal a “win”.)

The thing is, winning wars isn’t what matters to these people we call our Rulers.

Just having wars is plenty good enough, for the purposes that matter most to them, which consist mainly of the right pockets being lined lavishly while you and I remain enslaved on the home front, or, failing that, being sent Over There to die for the cause of Capitalist Oligarchy.

I mean, uh, Freedom. Liberty. Justice for all.

All the good stuff.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Brief snippet on Gaza. You still care deeply about that boring shit, right?

American Lies Kill Babies, Women, Old People … (and alas, these are specifically DemParty deceptions)


Brief snippet on how things are in the process of literally (politically) inverting within the Empire:


Friday: 4.6 miles in 84 minutes equals 3.25 mph, into, I might add, fierce gusts of headwind on the way out, 40-50 miles an hour, briefly halting my progress completely at the height of the worst.

The wind quit at dusk and I fed the strays and re-opened the red umbrella.

There are no more remarkable weather events for the weekend and until the night after trash day, when it is scheduled to drop down all the way to sixteen degrees Fahrenheit.

Over the next four days I have to keep building my tolerance for the cold over longer distances.

Among other things. I have such a beautiful List.