Heart and Reason

If my socks don’t match
But I have half a reason for it, from time to time
(I mean besides not paying attention)
Then any laughter created in others thereby

even if it is intended to ridicule or humiliate

Has No Power

over my mind.


Along the same lines, there have been, over the last few years of relative freedom, plenty of days where I did not take a shower. (Sometimes weeks in fact.)

What I learned from that experience is that I don’t ever have to take a shower.

But … that … more days than not …

I want to.

This lesson has amazingly wide applicability
There are in fact very very few things
That I have to do.

Piss and grunt. Drink water even if it’s not from the creek. Occasionally, Eat. Feed cats.

(I don’t have to pet them, but I want to, quite often.)

Even something like cleaning a litterbox or getting the trash out are optional, on any given day.

On most trash days I do both. Usually. There isn’t any steep downside to not doing it.

Maybe I want to do it. I’m not sure, but maybe.

I don’t Have to have a job, and more days than not, I don’t want one either. (Although I have an application on my desk, strangely enough.)

I don’t Have to be anywhere on time ever for anything–except every six months for the dentist.

I don’t have a daily driver of a relationship to meet the usual kind of obligations within. No kids.

Splendid Isolation works out real well for me, most days and for most purposes.


Also, let’s say that I do want to take a shower, most days, especially cold ones, mainly because it’s warming (or on hot ones because it’s cooling), or I feel gross.

And I go right ahead, and it feels good.

Still … I don’t have to use any soap.

I do need, or want, a clean washcloth, and a clean towel.

The shampoo, the face soap, the body wash, the ‘product’ … all really and truly completely optional.

I’m planning to start showering every day (the experiment has already started), and I’m going to use soap if I want to, and not use it if I’m not feeling it.

And yes, I do have half a reason for bothering to tell you these things.

And a full reason for telling you just the half of it

for now.

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