Lovely Parting Gifts














Pure propaganda. There are no arms to deliver.

What this really is, is another $9 billion to weapons manufacturers (“defense contractors”) right here in the land of the theoretically free.

Money laundering, with your tax dollars, just as it has been all along.

When I call myself a single-issue voter, this is the issue I mean.

“The war machine and wall street”, working together to concentrate wealth in the hands of the lily-white few, at the expense of the many, at home and abroad.

When in a few years from now, the bills run up in exactly this fashion by Empire come due at last, those billions and the tens of billions spent on the misadventure in Ukraine, and the hundreds of billions of run-up debt wasted on just such exercises in killer waste … will be missed.

This country is not going to be able to afford even the interest payments, and the whole shitshow is going to come crashing down.

The perpetrators of the end of Empire will rush to their villas in New Zealand, leaving the rest of us holding the bag.


Meanwhile, I listened to a whole batch of NYT podcasts, to learn how the Dem establishment is reacting.

I didn’t make it through a single one of them.

These bright comfortable overeducated beneficiaries of the System do not have the first clue about the reality of life in this other America, and I found it unbelievably frustrating to listen to their dumb-ass pontification.

When Hillary lost the talking class was screechy and full of blame. It was Jill Stein’s fault, it was the fault of those stupid people who never went to college–whatever.

This time, just by the numbers, they know it’s their own goddamn fault.

And the rationalizing contortions they put themselves through trying to unburden themselves of that blame make my stomach lurch.

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