Trump’s Landslide Win EXPLAINED
Compared to 2020, his numbers with black voters went up 5 percent, and among ‘Latinos’ it was 13%.
Why? Because those people are disproportionately on the wrong side of income inequality, and therefore suffering, and they didn’t feel that their suffering mattered at all to the Joe Bidens and Kammy-Kams of the world.
It’s the same with young voters of any race, as dramatically demonstrated by charts in the video.
They too are on the short end of the stick and being shafted with it.
You can probably afford to base your vote on “abortion”.
But millions of your fellow citizens couldn’t even afford to base it on claims of “white supremacy”.
And so he won them, in a landslide.
Thanks for laying it all out so cleanly, Glenn.
This wasn’t about gender or race or age or whether you went to college. All you need to know:
“They only call it class warfare when we fight back.”
Another angle on the thing, from the perspective of big, habitual, and self-interested Lying.
You might notice that Harris took the very poorest demographic by 4%.
I don’t think that changes anything though.
Most people in this (my) income bracket don’t vote at all.
Those that do are likely to be deriving their “income” from what’s left of the social safety net, government programs including Social Security, and are afraid that Trump will gut those programs.
I share that fear. But I didn’t vote out of fear. I voted in my Interests, defined less by money and more by what I think will really matter, within the context of the few years left to me, and beyond.