I think I mentioned once or twice that the heartland is seriously pissed off.
But I admit it: I wasn’t expecting to see it demonstrated so vividly–up in the popular vote by +5 million!?
Very nearly heartening, that.
It’s still the duopoly and not much will change. But maybe the Empire finally stops pissing away billions on the fiasco in Ukraine.
Maybe Bobby gets something real done about the shit we eat.
Maybe the blue powers start to realize they can’t rig or get rid of primaries, install candidates by fiat, and have that work out for them.
Congratulations on your ‘I Voted’ sticker and all, but maybe by the next time it will start to dawn on you that lever-yanking and bitching on Twitter ain’t gonna cut it any more.
Your countrymen and women are enraged and despairing, and their reasons for that are not all deplorable, in spite of what the pundit millionaires keep trying to pour into your head.
What will you do, to honestly feel their pain, and work with them toward a slightly less horrifying world?