Psalm Before The Storm

Norman Finkelstein “lashes out” Harris, Trump, Noam Chomsky, Democratic Party and Republican Party
(“She’s a laughing cow. I don’t know why she’s always laughing. The world’s on fire. She’s just completely detached from reality.”)

I would love to watch you call Norman a self-hating Jew to his face and see you get your ass kicked by an 80-year-old man. (I got your joy. Right here pal.)

Holocaust Survivor Tells Piers Morgan Why He’s Not A Zionist

Gabor Mate’ wouldn’t kick your ass. He’s above all that. A living saint.

I love him and it’s a love that is easier and more natural for me to feel than the one for my own biological brother. That’s a strange thing to say, but it’s my truth in the moment and I’m ever more willing to spill such strangeness.

Maybe your flex is to call people like this or like me anti-semitic, and maybe my flex to that might sound a lot like ‘go fuck yourself’. My soul is closer to Norman’s, and saintliness ain’t in it.

If you want to say ‘anti-Zionist’, I don’t think you’d get much argument. Maybe a little pride.

If you want to say ‘anti-Israeli’, I for one would lean toward agreeing again–in the same sense that I am anti-American, meaning against the policy and face of imperial colonialism without necessarily having anything against the average Mississippian or Yooper.

Anti-Semitism is just as bad as Pro-Zionism or any other racial prejudice.

Whether or not it involves God’s chosen people, and regardless of whether we’re talking the American Gods of Moloch and Mammon, or good old Yahweh from the Torah.



Errata: The Norman is actually only 70. But he is one deeply informed individual. He is surly AF. And he walks five miles every day. So yeah, kind of a role model for me, on more than one level, and I am damn sure he will be eighty.