Don’t Wanna Hear It

Black Woman: “This message is for Barack ‘ain’t-never-did-a-fuckass-thing’-for n*****s-in-8-years-he-was-in-the-White-House-ever” Obama.
Keep black men’s name out yo motherfuckin’ mouth.”

Black Man: “Being a young black voter, it feels like the Democrats are constantly trying to gaslight me about my own reality.
We are sick and tired of being expected to Feel Good with Barack Obama or–now–they’re trying to put the ovarian version of Barack Obama up there … ”


Saying these things myself would open me to being called a racist (or by extension a misogynist or an anti-semite or all those legitimately scary things).

But you can’t realistically expect to get away with calling Dr. Gabor a Jew-hater.

Neither can you validly call Ms TONYxTWO prejudiced against black people, without contortions that would shame an Olympic gymnast.

You can, and maybe will, ignore them, though.

If not at your peril, then perhaps merely at that of your Interests.

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