“Our Interests”

Follow-up to a story briefly mentioned recently.

Censorship or Tech Glitch: Glenn Diesen Readmitted To YouTube After Channel Deletion

The deletion happened in a wave of clear censorship. Lots of other channels were not “re-admitted”. Does the fact that Prof. Diesen got his channel back mean that there was a tech glitch besides?

No one knows. The Googlebeast ain’t saying and never does and never will. Even Orwell would have to shake his head.


So much of what I am trying to say comes down to this.

Determining what your “interests” or mine really are is complicated, but a lot of it comes down to cold hard cash, or individual perceptions of what will put more of it into our pockets, or give us more “freedom” regarding how we might spend it.

Then beyond that we get slapped with this concept of “our” interests, which doesn’t exist now, if it ever did. For it to exist we would have to believe in an “Us”, and there is no Us; possibly not even a US, viewed from a purely functional standpoint.

Prof. Diesen’s interests (and “freedom”) don’t have anything (or very little) to do with the interests of the Beast of a Platform he is building upon.

Your interests as someone who might need an abortion someday (or feels intense identification or solidarity with those who could) has nothing to do with my interest in seeing the shitty system keep its shitty promises regarding student loan cancellation.

You might see Vlad as an impaler who wants to violate your way of life, or the similar way of life you want for someone dwelling in Lviv or Tblisi.

Whereas I might have more feeling for the Russian-speakers in Sevastopol who were persecuted (sometimes to death) by the western Ukrainian nazi-leaning groups who just happen to have been installed and propped up by people like Nuland and Blinken, professional-managerial ‘democrats’ who live lives that look a lot like yours.

I might choose to have more sympathy for the displaced and bombed people of Palestine.

You might get furious at the notion that “Palestine” even exists, and place your sympathies with the descendants of those interred at Auschwitz no matter what.

We see things the way we see them from the perspective of our Interests, or what we think our interests might be in some abstract or identified version of reality.

Do Lizard People run everything?

You might say: that’s too ridiculous to even treat as if it deserves a real answer.

David Icke might say: I have incontrovertible proof that they do.

I say: striving after the literal answer to the question is irrelevant either way–all I really care about is whether the metaphor fits well with the naked facts.

All three of us come to the question with our economic interests front and center, and if there isn’t a direct connection between the concept of reptile rulers and our wallets, then we approach it with a somewhat more vague idea of how things would look if there was.

So you choose to embrace the particular helicopter in North Carolina that was flown by Guardsmen.

So I choose to embrace the narrative of the particular helicopter flown by the guy who was threatened with arrest if he kept flying it.

Are you one of the good guys or not? Am I?

Goodness, in this sense, doesn’t exist.

Interests always exist.

“Our interests” differ, for pretty stark and practical reasons that are not hard to see …

if you’re choosing to honestly look hard enough.

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