To Essay, v.

(“I have to admit that I’m crying too, but for quite different reasons”.)

I have to admit that I needed to turn off the phones just now.


Thus: Lectio Divina is one way of doing self-enquiry–there are others. Perhaps billions of them.

This is Richard Cox. He is the one interviewing Nicole, and the … proprietor? of the channel.

I know pretty much nothing about him, even though I’ve semi-divinely Read tens of thousands of his words in the past few days. (Also in passing, it occurs to me that you might could say the same about me about right now.)

I’ve been struggling much harder than you will ever know with the question of how to introduce his Œuvre to you.

This is Monday.

Which means there are still four days to go before the 9th anniversary of The Spill.

It feels as though The Struggle, the … jihad as they say, will be over by then one way or another.

In a whimsical sense it is already, by which I mean that although his oeuvre may still be an unrevealed mystery, the introduction to it was just completed in the last hour.

Perhaps it is time to turn off the computer as well, for a little while.