Plumb Baffled

Then after all that I took a shower.

If I am calculating correctly, it was the second one I’ve had since Company Left three weeks ago.

The first time, I was hurrying through it because I assumed nothing was different and that the water would quickly reach my ankles again, and threaten to spill over onto the floor. But … that didn’t seem to be happening.

So today, I took a much longer one, about twenty minutes, to idly test the situation. It felt nice.

There was no rising water at all. The shower … is draining.

There is a small chance that it’s draining through some introduced break in the line instead of to the sewer of course. But I strongly doubt it. The only things we messed with were directly related to the old toilet (which is still living out in the yard at the time of this report). As far as I know, the main drainage was unaffected by my wrangling of porcelain …

And yet that would almost certainly mean that the only problem that ever existed was with that old toilet somehow. That there never was a true blockage in the main line.

Or … that the blockage was far downstream, and that it’s been addressed finally by a team of those city workers who have been hanging around more often than usual, for reasons opaque.

Or … something something.

The next step I intend to take about the situation is to paint the ceiling.

I know that statement might worry you further about the current state of my mental health. But I wouldn’t worry, if I were you–which I’m apparently not, so you do as you think best with regard to worrying, and naturally, absolutely, everything else.

I can soothe you by saying that the plan makes perfect (possibly even rational) sense. From …
the perspective of the boots on the ground, which are solely mine, and typically moccasins anyway.

The next step I intend to take not ‘about the situation’ is to put on clean clothes and go for a walk. Right after shutting down the computer for real this time.

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