The Capturing

This is, in my opinion, a huge breaking story, which you will naturally hear nothing about from mainstream sources.

The head of the Centers for Disease Control from 2018-2021 was a man named Robert Ray Redfield Junior.

Being in that position naturally meant that he was routinely savaged by RFKJr. and other people you’ve been instructed to regard as lunatics, all through the Covid years.

Even so.

Two days ago, three years after he left that lofty position, he wrote an opinion piece which I will quote at some length:

“Across a century-plus of cozy courtship, the federal regulators have nearly married the regulated, especially in health care. Today, private industry uses its political influence to control decision-making at regulatory agencies, law enforcement entities, and legislatures. (RFK) is right: All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture. A large portion of the FDA’s budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies.

But it doesn’t stop in the health agencies: the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a captive of industry, too … the agency often favors large corporations over the interests of small farmers and the public’s health.

If we do not discover the depth of our corporate capture problem and fix it, we cannot truly address chronic disease in this country.”

I know that all you smart people I love already understood this, and that this actual fascism-by-definition, this merger of the corporation and the state in the words of Mussolini, infects and makes worse every aspect of our modern lives within the Empire, and far out beyond its borders besides.

As the piece was being published, Redfield went to lunch with RFKJr and said this to him:

The former CDC head, a noted virologist, doesn’t think Bobby is nuts, at all. Quite the contrary.

So if you’d like to cling still, to the belief that he is …

The burden of proof ball is now in your court.


Out beyond this smarmy victory lap I still can differ with Dr. Redfield, not because he’s wrong, but because his view of the problem remains professionally parochial.

Regulatory capture in the realm of food and drugs is a problem sure.

But only a symptomatic problem, not the cause of the disease.

The entire apparatus, here in the Land of the Free, is compromised in much the same way.

BOMBSHELL Report: Blinken CAUGHT in COVERUP of Israel Blocking Aid

This isn’t just about the Jab, or your Job.

This isn’t even about our complicity in genocide, per se.

The whole Pax-American project that you were sworn into as a devoted acolyte, when your teenage brain was soft, pliable, and desperate to trust again, the project that plucked you from the gutter and paid your mortgage …

It’s lies and bullshit, smoke and mirrors, baby.

It’s a bill of goods that you were sold hard, and you bought. You paid.

Everybody’s paying and paying, whether they bought or not. I’m here to testify.

And everybody will continue to pay until they’re rolled into their graves at last, declaring their nominally undying allegiance, and the pennies on their eyes.

Is that how you want it?

No. Not in the beating heart of your best self.

We need to figure out a better way.

For everyone and not just ourselves.

Good on Robert Redfield for at least learning that much in seventy-odd years on the planet.

And I thank him for his service–I forgot to mention that he too is a retired Colonel, even if that’s not the service I had in mind.