$2.90 vs. $1.5 Billion

Calley Means says that the heart of the problem is Industrial Agriculture.

Here’s What’s So Messed Up About Bill Gates

That’s not wrong. It just doesn’t go nearly far enough.

The heart of the problem is: industrial anything.

And most especially: military-industrial anything.

No rulers for me, thanks. No industrialist, no bosses, no capitalists. No lieutenants and no commanders, to the extent such things are even possible in this shithole we laud as modern civilization.

Whether we’re talking about the damaged soil or damaged brains, the serious issues are all of a piece.


In New York City, a man is gunned down, by a cop, for jumping a subway turnstile without paying the three-dollar fare. That was “against the policy”, but the Officer did it anyway.

His wild shots entered the bodies of not only the suspect, but of a hospital administrator as well, and–irony of ironies–of a fellow policeman to boot.

Yes, he shot another cop over this three dollar bullshit.

And then claimed there was “a knife”.

Quelle surprise: They can’t find a knife.

The DEI hire of a mayor is lauding him for being A Protector. Really.

The subways are now full of Brooklyn protestors protesting, and being arrested for it.

And to put the cherry on top of it all … NYC paid out 1.5 Billion last year in damages for shit like this.

And they never did get their three dollars back on it.

Please explain to me how your lovely Free Democracy is not totally, off-the-rails insane.

The query is purely rhetorical.

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