1st Amendment Going Down

I told you about FreeTube a while back. One of the nice things it does is aggregate the community tab postings on YT as well as the videos. I never would have seen this, if I were not using it.

The censorship of alternative voices is very real and getting more extreme by the day. The Good People all calling for an end to ‘malinformation’ and the like is having an effect out here. How you feel about that defines you categorically on a political level, even more than which bad choice you make at the ballot box in a few weeks.

(Don’t think for one second that this crackdown coming just before the elections is coincidental. That would be foolish, and that kind of foolishness is worse than being smeared as a ‘conspiracy theorist’, if you ask me.)

See also Kim Iversen’s take on the subject and please pray for freedom to ring, on the off chance that you value it.

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