Another present for you.
I’m not going to stop giving a small additional voice to people like Ray McGovern and Glenn Greenwald here, because what they’re saying is often crucially important, and I agree with the general thrust of their View of the World.
But I realize that listening to crusty old fucks like them and me can get to be a chore sometimes.
So here is a bright and photogenic young Asian-American man, in conversation with a pleasant Scandinavian interviewer, saying many of the same things in a condensed hour.
The US Empire Cannot Recover From This | Danny Haiphong
No rush, on thanking me, particularly if you find yourself gazing upon this present with a crinkled nose like a regifted fruitcake–I know many of you will; alas and apologies in advance for shitting in the punchbowl, as one does.
A bonus Western: South of St Louis (1949)
This is a very early ancestor of the trope of the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s a rare film in which Joel Macrea plays a less than totally likeable character.
And Alexis Smith gives a brilliantly advanced portrait of real and admirable womanhood, at least for 75 years ago, around the time of the blossoming of the Unipolar Hegemony.
Kansas City Confidential (Classic Film-Noir, 1952) John Payne, Lee Van Cleef
Crime and Punishment | English Full Movie | Crime Drama (for my fellow Raskolniks)
Scott Ritter is of the opinion that we almost all died last week. It may comfort you to know that he is just another crusty old fuck. But I bring it up because that’s what the Cassandra post was all about, way back then on the 15th of this lovely month.
People don’t change, and as for me, I change even less than most. I’m a little healthier now in my bodymind, but not much, and anyway you know that’s not what I’m talking about.
If you thought I was a cool guy when you were six, but you don’t now, well, what changed was, in the main, your perspective. If you worshiped the ground I walked on when you were twenty-five, but now profess agnosticism on the subject of my relative divinity, that’s due to some twists and turns in your spiritual path, and not because I’m much different than I was then.
The same is true on the subject of initiation, and … being ‘right’ in general, in my humble opinion. Which further is, these days, that I’m not anywhere near infallible, and yet most of the time I am, nevertheless, every bit as Right as Rain.
Kim Iversen on the practical mechanics of how the oligarchs use distraction to manipulate your mind. It’s perhaps pointless to mention it, but in this short clip she identifies herself as both post-Bernie and post-progressive. (So say we all. Or … I, at least.)
If you need more Kim, she’s on a tear and tour right now.
A nice example of how little ‘democratic freedoms’ mean any more these days, just in case the fact that both opposition media and elections are both banned in the Ukraine at present, and that our little friends over there maintain an active kill list for people whose speech they don’t like managed to elude your notice.
Rest in peace, Gonzalo Lira. Source
A Rising Young Star Inside The Democratic Party Firmament Quits It, In Despair
My favorite part is that her psychiatrist tried to talk her out of it.
My second favorite part is that her quit video got 30 million views.
Which leads right into my third favorite part: Ms. Barker giving up is proof positive that you don’t have consider yourself a loser or a social misfit to be on this path of honest reflection, nor to throw up your hands and then wash them, of these shitlibs pretending to care about the working class, for once and for all.
Besides watching pieces of all these things, I spent Sunday afternoon in serious meal prep. The process of basing a week’s worth of meals on a roast, and refining the recipe, is approaching a state of perfection.
The main thing I learned today was that a nine-pounder is just a little too big for both my needs and my kitchen.
It seems to me that Seven, or a pound a day for every day, would be the ideal thing for the present solo-flying circumstance.
Most of all I wish I could find grass-fed or organic meat in such quantities at any price. I can’t, locally, and it’s rare even with driving into Prettytown or Albuquerque. The time for turning again with hopefulness to ButcherBox or a similar remotely shipped solution is approaching fast.
Lord knows I tried.