Route Causes

There’s people I like
that are smart
that are saying this drivel to me
and then when you bring up a lie that is way more important …

Yes. Resonance. That is how I feel. Too. ABC Finally Fact Checks A Lie. ‘So where the fuck are we right now?’ …

We are back, on a healthy circadian rhythm, for a hot minute. I celebrated the harvest moon eclipse and seasonal transition with a rare 10.5 hours of honest sleep all at once.

What I’m struggling to say again and still is that while I don’t consider myself a single-issue voter, The War Machine of empire is very centrally my most important issue.

It directly connects (in this one fevered mind at least) with why you are struggling with affordable housing, and why so many people are living under bridges, and why none of us have real health care (whether or not we have the fake insurance).

A cancer diagnosis is not an immediate death sentence in this modern day of Progress.

But the odds are overwhelming that if you get one, you will be utterly broke and cast down into poverty and debt within two years.

Not death. Just destitution.

That is the how ‘we’ choose to run things here.

You can say the same, about the destruction of the Bill of Rights, piecemeal, over the last 20 years, culminating in the current efforts to totally gut Amendment One.

It all circles back to the fact that we choose the Machine, and Death, over Life and Living, even as we dance to the lying tune of her Joy while stuffing the creamy sugarpoison into our mouths in ecstasy and celebration.

Those who scream loudest about spreading democracy scream in that same immoral ecstasy each time Power comes close again to assassinating a candidate and narrowing their own choice.

Before I was even quite born, President Eisenhower issued that warning, about the Military-Industrial Complex.

None of us heeded it.

A couple of years later they murdered the one man who could have heeded it effectively.

And then Martin, and Bobby, and Malcolm, and all the lesser lights too. Bang bang.


The whole basis of a modern State is maintaining a Monopoly on Violence.

It’s okay for them to exercise that monopoly and kill George Floyd and Palestinian babies by the truckload and the people of Flint in Michigan and any so-called President that gets in their way.

It’s not okay for you to even own this gun or that gun, because that violates the monopoly. Maybe you don’t have the right to an abortion either, but honestly: so what?

If you want one, you will get one. I mean by that an abortion, but the same applies to the guns.

Shouting yourself hoarse about either is exactly and precisely what they want you to do.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Keep your attention focused on the black woman puppet now, and Saving Democracy.

That’s what matters.

That’s right.

Be soothed.

Sleep well.

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