Return Of-And-To The Natal

Technology has bypassed Roe v. Wade and if your concern is poor women having cheap, easy, and effective access to abortion, then fund purchases of those two new pills for them. They work and are not yet illegal even in the reddest states.

The answer to gun violence has nothing to do with banning more things, any more than the answer to hateful speech is censorship.

If you actually believe in ‘Democracy’, then work on bringing it back. You’ll have to account for the 50% of your fellow citizens who take stances at the polar opposite of yours on all these non-issues, instead of writing them all off as hicks and deplorables who are just ruining everything for everybody.

These boutique issues you cling ever-tighter to now don’t amount to anything practical any more. They’re only signals of a deprecated form of virtue.

And wacky old RFKJr is neither your enemy nor a real problem either.

If you want things to actually get better inside this evil empire and elsewhere in this sad world, work to stop the endless wars and the people who profit from them most.

For starters.

In the meantime we can work on deciding whether Property really equals Theft, definitely a topic for some later show.

Thanks for being there to listen. God bless us every one.