Get Out The Vote

In the end, Old Joe was a hard, hard No.

Not just for me …

but for so many people that after rigging two primary seasons in a row for him, the Elites had to scrap even that gerrymandered will of the people for some new untested antidemocratic scheme, send Biden packing, and install this alternative puppet at the head of their ballot line.

Kamala Harris exists in a newly manufactured space beyond Yes and No.

Kamala Harris exists in the space of You Have Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me.

It’s no longer about carefully considering her policies (because she doesn’t have any) and making a rational choice between Okay, Yeah, LesserEvil on the one hand and No, Not This Time on the other.

She’s beyond all that.

If elected, she would be the first seriously WTF President in the history of this Republic-slash-Empire.

I don’t even want to go to the mind-numbing effort of wrapping my head around whether she’s ‘a little better’ or ‘a tiny bit worse’. She’s simply … the living political embodiment of absurdist.

A pitch-perfect rendition of what electoralism and late-stage capitalist Democracy have devolved into.

The VP candidates are far more interesting–two variations on the theme of white male working-class hero. I’m glad for that, and between the two I don’t have a strong preference.

I feel certain that anyone still reading me will find that itself absurd, but it’s the truth, out here in childless catperson land–sorry.

None of it in the end will make any difference to my life or hopes or dreams or days.

Maybe this is what beginning to live anarchically really means, feels like.