
major guiding beliefs and self-identifications, as in
–belletrist (as opposed to litterateur/auteur)
–anarchist (green/primal/paleo/whatever, and ‘rewilding’ too)
–hérétique (to grasp upon a heresy is literally a taking/choosing enabled by oneself)
minor crystalline images, like
–tears in rain
and things in between like the synthesis of the word and image “Anaprim”

The playing hypothesis is that they are ultimately all only organizational tools

Yeahbro. You said that already.
Okay. Next step.


Speaking generally, all of the beliefs/IDs above fall into the category of Art, rather than the other categories of Home or Money or Digilife.

… say what now? …


It’s ALL about organizational structures. And this is the 3digitalife one.
2Money is mostly digi too. 4Art is mostly digi too.
The only non-digital one is 1HomeRooms and the mob version of same.

This is the 3digitalife one.

GNU and FAIF and F/LOSS, Stallman and the GPL–go here.

Linux hangs off GNU, so you might then need to:
PandoraPlaylist: Introductory course on Linux terminal

Then pick a distro, like AntiX, and a desktop environment, like Xfce.


That is way more than enough I’m sure I already lost you; this isn’t about following you and the only tangent I want to go off on right now is that basing your life on a guiding belief or self-ID like ‘American’ or ‘coconut-pilled Democrat’ or ‘MAGA’ is dumb and beneath you–I mean, “anarchist” is way better but almost beneath me–pick your own, but pick better than that and eff the herd and what they think and I’m honestly very sorry to be such a naturalborn posing ‘hérétique’ douche but seriously eff capitalist sugarpoison icecream-month and the horse it rode in on too.