
He is confused and needs
time to adapt
because he has never seen the daylight before.

(Now is that time.)


Those plugged into the Matrix live in a vast colorful sunny world.
They also have access to an endless variety of human pleasures.
But in the real world, there is only one place left. People live there in subhuman conditions, stuck in the outskirts and continually threatened by obliteration.

Accepting the truth shakes ones identity to its very foundations.
(Understanding ones identity[s] thus becomes central to the process of awakening.)

Truths are easily fabricated.

Many ordinary people are so dependent on the matrix that they will fight to protect it. But the sage has a moral obligation to act in the interests of those as yet still chained in the cave.
(I long to say and mean that I’m not doing this for you anymore. But that can always only be partly true, even if you are hostile to my doing.) (my doing-it-anyway) (i don’t like It at all, but if the old sage was right, it Is. Regardless.)

Reality changes when its fundamental story turns out to be a lie.
The relationship was more enjoyable before the truth came out.

Very often the truth is bought at the expense of enjoyment, pleasure, even joi itself, although joy can still sometimes be taken in things we know for a fact now are fake. We can sometimes even as sages suspend disbelief.

In becoming free from the Illusion, sages become illusionists themselves.

The Oracle herself … is a smoker, as well as a baker of cookies.

From this we learn that stories are flickering shadows on cavewalls.
(Curiously, this is also true of the story called The Matrix.)
(I sing of Altamira as I sing of SandRock.)

The allure of your Facebook page and my films is that they can seem (or even possibly be?) better than Reality.
(I do still play that one video game, and I’ve been playing it more, lately.)

Do I really want the truth? Do you?

In Plato’s allegory learning the truth has virtually no downside. But in The Matrix, the truth is less enjoyable. It is in fact often unbearably painful.

Surrogate truths get adopted to cover up that pain in our world. The earth is flat. Xenu loves you. Democracy is the one true path and we are obligated to spread it to them for their own good …

Our talent for suspending disbelief lets us tell and hear stories, feel them, but that talent can easily be subverted by the greed and opportunism that ‘civilization’ and capitalist culture encourage.

Shared stories can give us a sense of meaning and belonging.

They can also justify concentration camps and genocide.

The literary and the cinematic are thus holy swords with two very sharp sides, and

We are forced to admit that it might be just the same with belles lettres.


‘All I’m Offering is the Truth’ | The Philosophy of the Matrix

That is as far as Einz takes us. (His name deliciously translates as “single goer”, thus loner.)

How the path unwinds from this point is up to me and you individually.


From the comments section (not, of course *my* comment section …)

“The most shocking thing is when you speak the truth people look at you as if you’re insane”.