In The Matrix (“an example of the cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction”) one of the central moments is when Neo is offered a choice between the blue pill (go back to sleep inside the matrix) and the red one (awaken in the real world).
The blue pill is a kind of ice cream favored by the PMC-adjacent and by various Pelosis.
The red pill means you are woke, not in the sense of the word most common today (quite the opposite), but as in the phrase, “Wake up sheeple”.
In either case you have to be very careful about using these terms, 25 years on from the movie, because to throw them around routinely might inadvertently out you, as an incel like me.
But wait. There’s more.
I’ve heard people I really respect for their brains call themselves black-pilled. This means something in the neighborhood of fatalistic or nihilistic, or at least deeply pessimistic.
One of the coolest anarchist cats around, Michael Malice, wrote a book about the necessity of remaining white-pilled, or presenting as more or less optimistic even when you don’t quite see any reason to be so.
It turns out there are all kind of alternatives now.
I like the one about being iron-pilled, which means that you forget all about thinking of any kind and just focus on getting your body really cut and jacked.
But the reason I’m writing this at all is about a new flavor that just gained a cultural foothold in the last few days, and that is
Calling yourself that means that you choose to identify with and support Kamala Harris, but perhaps a tiny bit ironically, because the latest nominal nominee once used the image of a coconut tree in yet another unfortunate moment in an unfortunate speech–so basically it’s the kind of thing she’s most famous for among both people who like her and people who don’t.
Weird babbling that goes nowhere and has a tendency to loop in on itself, often accompanied by strange inappropriate laughter.
All of this information I’ve just provided you with is from sources I’ve been reading, so no originality thus far.
But I do have a simple fresh contribution to inject into the discussion.
It is this.
Back when I grew up, where I was growing up, “coconut” had–and in some matrices probably still does–a different connotation in vulgar and sometimes even hateful slang.
To call someone a coconut was to say that in your estimation, while they may be brown on the outside, their insides were pure white
“Marrón por fuera blanco por dentro”.
A sort of Tex-Mex version of ‘Oreo’.
In some way that sick people might find funny, it’s really quite perfect for the Kam, but forget that.
Let’s just say that calling yourself (a) pastilla de coco might not sound quite the same to every ear, and that not everyone who hears might get how edgy and cool and pragmatic you intend to be by embracing that identity.
You can thank me at your leisure.
No rush.
Morning Joe Spills The Tea On How Dems Forced Biden Out
Amazon Disappears Journalist’s Book About Kamala Harris
I have a lot more to say on the subject of various pills, whether zero-pilling is a thing, and involuntary celibacy, but it’s going behind the passwall and so you know what to do if you know what to do.