Sheepdogs and Sweat

Progressives Shill For Biden as Centrists Push for His Exit

As the ClooneyBama power center tries to figure out how to pry the old man out, the BernieAOC ‘progressives’ paradoxically try to salvage what’s left of the ultimate yellow dog.


The alleged progs will fail, like they fail at every other thing, but … why is everything upside down and inside out?


Another Friday, and something like halfway through the brutal part of the day’s heat.

Another July week and maybe halfway through the worst of the summer, meaning it has been over 100 degrees with zero rain, will be again today, and tomorrow, and that the monsoon-resume is only a glimmer on the horizon, out at the very end of the ten-day forecast from here.

I’ve been collecting as much dark cool air as I can, all night every night, but that’s not enough to keep the AC from coming on at the other end of the day. It’s set to 83. I am grateful for its continued stoic service.

I’ve been keeping things, including myself, as clean as I can in the midst of fighting off the sewer problems with boiling water and sulfuric acid. The battle is going poorly but I remain optimistic about eventually winning the war.

My Auntie, the former coolest girl and current fundie Xtain, is scheduled to die unforgiven in some Civilized hospice hellhole.

It makes me ever more determined to feed myself to the coyotes when the time comes, in one last upraised middle finger to the forces of time and entropy.