Aztec Strategery

True or False?: “I am a Uto-Aztekan.”


Uto-Aztekan doesn’t refer to people, but rather to a cluster of languages, many of them extinct, and almost all of them with no more than a few thousand speakers left in the modern world. Although … not only does the remaining single largest by far have a million, but their own radio station in central Mexico. Yes, you can listen online, even though there is no real reason to do it.

In news that is completely unrelated except by the blood of the strangeness of my life, I have two choice bits of right-wing propaganda for you from Rumble today, neither of which involves Candace Owens. I was lured in by the catchy titles. By the … engagement.

Unmasking How the Two-Party System ENSLAVES All of Us

I Regret to Inform You the Debate Was Worse Than You Imagined

On the enslavement side, I listened to the first ten minutes straight, and there were some good points in it (“We are as sick as our secrets”). Then they drag Jesus into it, and my tolerance for that is very limited, so my engagement was broken.

For the worse-than video, I jumped toward the end looking for hot takes about the debates. Hot ones on that subject didn’t really end up existing. But then unexpectedly right at the end, there was a pretty toasty one, about engagement itself.

The guy said he’d just put up a different video on YouTube that was a bait and switch. It was about the same right-wing cold takes, he said, but since he was very well aware that his bread and butter tropes were pure algo poison, he had hidden them in what purported to be a videogame review.

He’s saying so right out in the open on Rumble.

I did find that much compelling and fresh. I don’t think it works though.

YT, as I learned from my own Yellowstone video, has algo AI that really is listening to what you say, and really is judging you for it, and handing out sentences of shadowban and other means of hiding one’s objectionable content from the masses of eyeballs.

“Objectionable” not to those faceless eyeballs. Objectionable to the same people at the top, the “public-private partnership” discussed in the first ten minutes of the first video.

Objectionable to the Enslavers.

Who are very good at their jobs.

The Daily Spill is Hard To Read™, in large part because it is, so far at least, a forum beyond the reach of the evil bots and the people who build them for the very specific purpose of keeping our brains in clear-glass cages we rarely even catch in glimpses.

So I can spew truths, like about the existence of the cages themselves, here.

To pretty much no one, it’s true, but that’s okay with me, for the short term.

The point of belletrism generally, and maybe vairterean anarcho-belletrism especially, is to exist and to speak such truth, between the rivers in the uncharted places out beyond the pretty colored lines of the dead and dying lying tongues of Anderson Cooper and Sean Hannity, NPR and Reuters.

Like this.

The point of Anaprim is to play at beating the capitalists at their own game, without having to join them. To play a video game about beatings.

As for making videos, the purpose of that is very much in flux right now, which helps explain why I haven’t posted one for a week.

I have some ideas.

I am for the moment lying down flat with them in perverse carnal knowledge, and that gomorrah fornication is what my lost-soul life is all about as June becomes July and we get so very ready to celebrate our Independence, whatever the fuck that could possibly mean anymore.
