Convivial Monasticism

An odd little day.

The heat dome still has us in its grip. Ruidoso is still burning. But the nights at 5000 feet are still relatively cool. Tomorrow everything environmental starts to change again for the Solstice.

I woke up real early and got to work on cleaning up coffee orders for Anaprim. While that was happening, I was getting back in touch with a cousin I haven’t seen or talked to in something like 43 years.

In touch in the digital way. I did see her, and hear her, mainly because she has a small YouTube channel with a few posts on it from three and four years ago in the heart of the covidian days. We subscribed to each other.

Those things occupied me all morning. Then I realized I was a few days behind on my water bill, and that is a thing that never ever happens. So I started looking for my debit card to go pull out money and run down to pay it in person. The card wasn’t anywhere.

I stopped freaking out after a while and made a real salad for the first time in almost three weeks. I felt good about that being my response.

Then I looked some more, and when I still didn’t find it I went online and put a block on it, not reporting it lost quite yet, and I went to the store because otherwise there would be no cream for coffee in the morning. I spent carefully at the store, because it seems I will be low on ready cash until they can ship me a new card, and I looked at the moon and made a plan about it.

Tomorrow on the holy day, as the pre-monsoonal wind kicks up and tries to bring us clouds for the first time in quite a while, I’m going to go over the entire premises one more time, unpacking my bags completely from the trip and putting my whole living machine back into some kind of order, from the truck to the dishes.

In the afternoon, when I don’t find the card anyway, probably, I will report it lost and get a new one on the way. I will have another salad and I won’t forget the avocado this time. Then I’ll take a check down to pay that bill to the city, secure in the knowledge that they don’t even care about five days late, unlike most everyone else, and I will resolve to never let it happen again, as a matter of pride.

Later in the week maybe I can get some real work done in a calm clean temporarily poor space.

There’s plenty in the fridge.

There are still many days worth of video to keep on editing.

There are habits to rebuild and habits to delete.

The sage tells himself that he is reasonably sagacious, and that’ll have to do for now.