Off Orion (Or 2Guns2)

On a surprisingly related note … No wait. I’ll save that for last; an afterthought …

Start instead with the movie called the Dallas Buyer’s Club, for which Matthew McConaughey won a Best Actor Oscar a decade ago.

I saw it. I liked it well enough even though it made me sad and angry.

Someone reminded me the other day that the unsung villain of the piece was a then-faceless bureaucrat who we now know today as Anthony Fauci.

I’m not saying you can’t be an LGBT ally or whatever, and yet still be a big Dr. Fauci fan.

But I will say that if you think you are both, you have to be absolutely swimming in a soup of cognitive dissonance.

Which is also fine, because almost everyone, especially the people still struggling to appear in any way normal, is doing the dog paddle next to you in the same fetid stinking imperial broth of lies.

On the radio today, the very NPR itself, I heard a story that said that 82% of Americans describe themselves as at least vaccine-hesitant now, after that god damned fiesta of crap for profit. That includes all the shitty rednecks you so loved poking fun at a little while back, but it also includes me and a whole lot of other people who still prefer to think for themselves, at least as a hobby.

It includes all those nurses and firefighters they fired in New York and elsewhere, for refusing their little jab too.

If you still prefer to take little mouthfuls of that popular normal bathwater soup once in a while, great. I am not qualified to be your nutrition coach, not even metaphorically.

I would only ask that you ease up a little on claiming that Bobby Jr. is a fucking antivaxxer and kook, or whispering with concern that the broken old coot in the pitiful Ozma t-shirt might be one too.

I would only ask that you remember that you are now a part of the mere 18% of We The People who routinely and reflexively swallow most of what they tell you, as Real, as Right, as the foundational basis of your increasingly brittle and doomed orthodoxy.

This isn’t just about the Vax.

It’s about the whole medical profession, and pretty much every other profession still extant within the small puma cage of late-stage capitalism.

It’s about Ukraine, and Russia.

It’s about the Israelis and the Palestinians.

The Chinese and the Taiwanese, and the wetbacks and the jihadis, both handcrafted products of the very Empire that now insists you hate them all.


Now the afterthought.

If you might be interested in a brief history of what this Democracy is really about, since it first came together as a full Imperium in the late 1940s, Jeffrey Sachs has you covered in the first 20 minutes, here.

If not … well, I might be forced to concede that there could be better ways to spend your time, or for me to spend mine for that matter.

It’s like I told her the other night through the tears sliding down my face gently without even a single sob.

I’m almost always right, baby.

Only it never has, and it never will do me one fucking bit of good.

C’est la guerre. Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!