Jesus Loves The Endgame

As it says, I reposted that sweet little purple paisley tidbit just now.

Then I got to thinking, about the artists, the people who see it all with such clarity.

That clarity is just the first step on a rare and twisted journey.

Michelle Shocked saw it perfectly. But what she saw made her a full mental case, of no use to anyone, not even herself.

Prince saw, and it made him run for the sanctuary of a goofy little cult, knocking on people’s doors and making them flutter even if they had no interest in the good news of the Watchtower Society he was attempting to dump on their steps.

Even T.S. Eliot said fuck it and reversed course into a posing, urbane Anglicanism.

So first you must see.

And then you must learn to live with what you’ve seen, without flinching away, lest all the value of your insight be lost, devolving into a mere cautionary tale.

It feels to me like the people who can pull that off are very few in number; rare birds.


Sometimes I wonder if my ‘anarchism’ is just another flavor of cope.

I don’t think it matters much if it is, or if it isn’t.

cuz She can’t take you any way you don’t already know how to go.

Don’t you even think about letting me down, honey, but it’s okay even if you do, because.

I’m already metaphysically standing

On the Sardinian ground.