Green Care

Destroying US From Within: Dr. Jill Stein

… and her senior policy advisor.

Nima lets them talk and talk. I won’t try and tell you it was any kind of pleasure to listen and listen. But I’m … marginally glad I did.

I care about fewer and fewer things. Those student loan people, they can’t get blood out of a turnip and there’s barely anything to garnish anyway. Health care? Even if you find a way to get it around here, it sucks deeply and feels like a useless waste of time and money.

Maybe too I care less about dying itself.

The wars roll on endlessly, growing ever more horrifying and less justified, and the rich (including the politicians and the talking heads of the mainstream media) get obscenely richer.

Right after talking about how no one can afford rent, she stresses the importance of keeping electric car prices low.

That makes it feel obvious that she lives in the same bubble they all do, far away from the laundromat and the left-hand grocery aisle of overpriced toxic animal parts.

All that said, I do still care about genocide, and Biden and Trump and Kennedy have all made it very clear that they absolutely do not.

This woman is the only one running who will even dare to breathe the fucking word.


I won’t be the one starting the revolution, and I wistfully doubt that dear old Dr. Jill will be either.


My ear is to the ground, and I am preparing myself to be spiritually ready, should the right opportunity for it arise.



The only age group that wants more of Biden is boomers, 65+.

A majority of Americans say major change is desperately necessary, with a solid core in the double digits saying that we have to tear the bitch down and start over. Whatever that means (I mean, I know what I mean, by that, but yeah).

And for some reason they don’t think Joe is the guy for the revolutionary rebuild.

Due Dissidence breaks it down.
