Hmm, Redeemed?

Michael Franzese, once a cut-throat mafioso, interviews David Berkowitz, the ‘Son of Sam’, once a different kind of homicidal maniac, on the subject of each of them becoming born-again Christians in prison.

As a pragmatic matter I’m glad of it. The Jesus, He made the world a slightly better place maybe.

As a pure matter of philosophy, I see it–even granting that the conversions are as sincere as they seem–as trading in one kind of broken-headed crazy for another, that just has slightly less dire side effects.

Christianity, Scientology, Zoroastrianism, Mormonism, becoming a no-matter-who Democrat or a MAGA Republican or a compromising Green, embracing an economic true-belief in free-market capitalism or maoist communism or just chasing dollars and poon until you die …

Same shit.

Don’t seek faith.

Seek real freedom.
