Episode of Lies 2B

“This is the most important election of our lifetime!”

“We must Save Democracy!”

So very many reasons, spewed forth from the sewermouth pieholes of blue millionaire spokesmodels in cable news and the rest of the mainstream bullshitters, about why Trump is not the answer, about why he is the embodiment of Orangeman Bad.

So few of those reasons having anything to do with anything.

But this one–this one actually does.

Graham convinced Trump on $61B

Mr. Hardheaded Businessman is just as much a gullible tool of the elites as any of those talking heads and dependable liars. The queer puppet known as Senator Lindsay fed him a line of shit on behalf of the war machine and those who profit from it. And old Donald chewed it up and swallowed it like the credible naïf he is in the end, taking up the causes of the PMC and the Massas when it really finally mattered.

He’s probably still going to win, without your vote and without mine.

But just remember that these bills that just passed with his consenting nod are Joe’s bills, and that the old fool of an incumbent, and his bad cops, are in no way the lesser of evils.

Bobby Kennedy might well be the whackadoodle antivaxxer Zionist you want to paint him to be, honey.

But I’m still looking for a place to throw my useless protest vote.

So he’s not all the way off the table yet in this house. Sorry.

Not sorry.