Hunter-Gatherers and War

In the latest episode of The Rewilding Podcast we find out what modern-day hunter-gatherers think about the idea of going to war, or ‘dying for your country’ (thanks for your service and all …)

And, as a bonus, about the idea of going to dental school.

The whole thing is good but I’m linking you to the timestamp near the end where these specific things are discussed.

What is a Subsistence Economy and What Makes Them So Resilient w/ Dr. Helga Vierich

What I love about conversations like this is that they don’t really have anything to do with labels (“I’m an anarchist! A green one! A primitivist!”), or anything to do with prescriptions for utopia either. (“You anprims want everyone else to die!”)

All they’re about is calmly noticing how deeply and maybe irretrievably fucked up our allegedly civilized and corporatized lives are, and talking together about how we might live differently, and better, against all the odds.

Starting with the radical act of stopping ourselves from buying shit, or as Helga says, even food, to the extent possible in any given life.