Handling the Truth

Speaking of lily white and squeaky clean.

The new young pretty blonde articulate head of NPR is an absolutely perfect example.

Her role is to take a perfectly good and even laudable theory (relativism, in this case), and turn it to the service of a perfectly evil end. The clickbait headline gets it almost right:

NPR’s New CEO Is The Epitome of EVIL!

No, guys. Sorry. She’s not evil, per se, although she’s very definitely not one of the Good People as she would like you to believe she is.

What you mean is that her career and her life’s work consists of taking (even good or at least good-sounding) ideas–and perverting them to do the devil’s own work.

And now she runs, for fuck’s sake, poor old broken NPR; gods help those poor deluded fools.


I want to point out two other theological points on which I find myself a little off the beaten path compared to the people I listen to regularly and admire in the alternative media. Both of them are more concrete than this one above–maybe I got myself a case of, um, different Truth. (Which by the way is not the same as ‘alternative facts’.)

The host here, Jimmy Dore, is more or less on board with the idea now that climate change is a hoax being foisted upon us by the billionaire and PMC classes, for their own profit, and to get the masses comfortable with the idea of having less and less. (Climate Czar John Kerry criss-crossing the globe in his private jet going to meetings where he bloviates about the average person’s carbon footprint and how that is what’s killing us all. ‘It’s not a Chinese hoax. It’s an oligarch hoax.’)

Most of the people I listen to regularly have evolved similar views on the climate question.

They’re not all the way wrong. They’ve just reached a consensus point of being half-right.

I believe that climate change is very real.

I also believe that our real hidden Masters, and their lavishly paid spokesmodels like this new NPR head, are absolute experts at taking real truths and twisting them to fit an agenda that Power can slap average people around with.

If you watched Planet of the Humans, you know very well that people like Al Gore and Bill McKibben are making truckloads of money, decade after decade, by preaching about things like solar energy and electric cars.

But spending big on a Tesla or an acre of windmills for your home is not going to save you, or your children, or anyone else.

It’s just going to make the fat cats fatter and enable a robustly greenwashed version of capitalism–which idolizes overconsumption and endless growth. The ideology as Ed Abbey said, of the cancer cell.

There’s another example hidden in there too. The planet really is vastly overpopulated with human animals. It’s an undeniable fact, and just like climate change, it will have to be reckoned with someday, and that reckoning will be a real catastrophe for a whole lot of people.

Doubtless it will be much easier, in broad general terms, on the rich than the poor.

Maybe John Kerry’s kids will continue to jet around the world even as it burns below them.

But the fact that self-serving rich people preach out of one side of their mouths about the climate does not make the whole thing a hoax in any way at all.


The other big thing right now is the gender binary.

The alternative media, prodded along by stories of doctors and shrinks making tons of money from peddling trans solutions to confused and vulnerable adolescents, and stories about idiots wanting to fuck up women’s sports by competing against women while wearing large hairy bodies, have retreated into the gospel of only two genders. ‘You’re a boy or you’re a girl, end of story’!

Horse paste, bitches.

Like any proper woman, and no official man ever, I personally wear two X chromosomes, along with a Y hanging around that makes me tall and rather more muscular.

I am literally, chromosomally, and god bless us scientifically a third gender.

I don’t want to use the other bathroom. I don’t want to ‘identify’ as a woman, even though I have every biological and moral right to do so. I don’t want to play in the WNBA.

Gross doctors and whimpering teen victims don’t turn transgenderism into a hoax, and no amount of shrill stories can make the hardcore gender binary into anything even close to a Truth.

That’s all I have to say today by way of the promised second example.


One more thing, speaking of NPR.

I heard a quick hit today on their air, during the state news, about the BLM trying to open up some of their allegedly public lands to Restoration Projects, and I thought: Well damn, maybe that’s a way to live on, remediate, and actually help those abused parcels to be restored to something a little more … Anaprim, yeah?

I was dreaming of course.

The short version is that this is just a big pissing contest between extractive capitalists like ranchers, and woke capitalists like ‘solar energy companies’. The corrupt reds versus the corrupt blues.

How nice it would be to live in a world where we could settle some of the homeless among us, the tired and the poor and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, out on pretty but greed-damaged land, and everybody could anarchically win.

But that’s neither real nor true.

Longer version follows, with a link to the full story.


BLM to finalize rule allowing federal leases targeted at protection of natural areas

… It also creates two new types of leases focused on protecting natural areas. The BLM already leases parcels of land for extractive industries including energy development, mining and livestock grazing.

The rule is likely to set off a conflict in Congress, where Republicans immediately on Thursday renewed their criticism of President Joe Biden’s conservation policies.

In a deviation from the March 2023 draft rule that proposed a new category of conservation leases, the final rule will allow two new types of leases: restoration and mitigation.

Restoration leases will be “a tool for investment in the health of our public lands” an agency fact sheet reads. Lessees would be empowered to work to restore lands, including those impacted by other uses.

Similarly, mitigation leases would be a tool to offset the impacts of other BLM land uses. The agency said an example could be a solar power company that has a facility on BLM land may receive a mitigation lease to restore nearby habitat to mitigate the impact of its development.

The rule is in line with BLM’s multiple-use mandate that requires balancing energy development, mining, recreation and other uses on the nation’s public lands, the agency said.

(Fuck your mandate with a sharp stick, bureaucrats.)


The Mountain Pact, a coalition of local leaders from Western states, released a statement praising the rule.

“The BLM’s Public Lands Rule highlights the need for the agency to work with local communities to focus on the conservation of land, water, and wildlife to ensure communities can protect future access to federal public lands while combating the growing impacts of climate change,” Patrice Horstman, the chair of the Coconino County, Arizona, Board of Supervisors, said in the statement.

David Willms, associate vice president for public lands at the National Wildlife Federation, said in a written statement the rule gives BLM “new tools to restore and conserve degraded lands, while supporting robust local economies. The rule will help the agency identify intact landscapes that wildlife depend on for survival, which will ensure that they thrive for decades to come.”


Republicans on the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee approved a bill, sponsored by Utah Republican John Curtis, last year to block the rule from taking effect. The legislation has not received a vote from the full House.

“This rule from the Biden Administration undermines the very people who rely on our federal lands for ranching, grazing, recreation, and beyond,” Curtis said in a Thursday release.


Soooo much difference between the Crips and the Bloods. Soooo very important to vote for the good people and frown at the bad ones, and to point and laugh at the crazy ones from some other underpowered gang.

Talk about your shithole countries.

This place sucks ass six ways to Sunday.

You run along and do-right and vote your troubled conscience now, pumpkin. If I don’t come back soon tell them to look for what the coyotes left of me up the wash, and I’ll be happy to never have to listen to ‘the news’ ever again.

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