Blow The Lid Off

South winds 30 to 40 mph
with gusts 55 to 65 mph.

hurricane-force wind
US:hûr′i kān′fôrs′ wind′
‘wind, not necessarily a hurricane, having a speed of more than 72 mph’

Some of the shingle sheeting ended up on the ground.

And the Starlink blew off the top of the van. The dish hit the cement. Without much optimism, I crawled back out into the storm and screwed it down this time. It’s working fine.

Good job, Elon.

While we were spending our moments trying to not get blown away, the rest of the world kept rolling along. For now.

My dream died, and now I’m here

I feel you, sister.

Sabine Hossenfelder is a real woman and a real physicist. She is geographically and temperamentally German. Her talents took her to universities and research foundations, not just backwoods community colleges. All of this is to say that she and I have almost nothing in common. Except: that we both once believed in Academia as Sanctuary, which used to be a rational and dare I say scientific belief–and both of us were caught in the cultural undertow which made that hypothesis false in the end.

Jose Vega Is Going To WAR With The Democratic Establishment!

Mr. Vega is a 25-year-old man from the Bronx, who sees far more clearly than most anyone else his age I’ve ever heard. Myself included.

Our diagnoses and prescriptions are not perfectly aligned. He retains some faith in democracy and especially the electoral process. He is a believer in civilization and progress.

But I hope he wins.


Biden (finally) says support for Israel is not guaranteed, after strike on aid workers

Or to put it another way: “Biden Is Pissed” at Netanyahu!” Says U.S. Official; pissed because even that sluggish malfunctioning old brain is beginning to realize that Israeli atrocities are going to cost him a second term.

All atrocities are not created equal of course. Biden, and the Western media writ large, are saying nothing at all about Israel’s bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus (a violation of the Vienna Convention to pair well with the many shits they’ve taken on the one from Geneva).

Hospitals being leveled only results in more clucking and hand-wringing.

Thousands of dead Palestinian babies? Man, that’s gotta be tough.

But now that Bibi has murdered seven white western liberals, that finally moved Biden all the way to issuing a strongly worded letter.

Like the spineless pawn he has been all his life.

Joe, if you actually wanted a ceasefire like you say, it’s really very simple.

Seventy percent of the munitions being used to murder innocent people come directly from America. The rest, ‘we’ just help pay for.

Stop sending the bombs, Joe.

The killing stops the moment you do. Fuck the mealy-mouthed admonitions and the grave looks on your drooling face.

Stop sending the bombs.

Oh wait, you’re not doing that.

You will not do that, either.

Not for aid workers. Not for mass genocide. Not for dead kids.

I’d be willing to bet that if Israel bombed a US warship and killed 34 American troops, (oh and thank you so much for your service) you’d keep right on sending bombs anyway.

Because that is what the America you rule stands for, and has stood for these fifty years and more.

No, you ugly bag of doddering shit. You don’t get my vote. Not ever again. Please pass that sentiment along to handsome gavin and little petey bootygig too.


Meanwhile, questions are emerging about the organization who got bombed, killing those seven.

Why Palestinians don’t trust World Central Kitchen

I’m not going to go into it too deeply now. But I will say this much.

The next time you find yourself wanting to send money to an NGO of this kind, much less hungering to head for Poland and become a Aid Worker yourself …

For the love of God, understand in some very deep way who you’re helping to fund, or working with, and who else is funding them, and exactly, precisely Why.