
I don’t believe in the legitimacy of any authority, from God on down to the darkest depths of hell here in the Empire or the shittiest hole of some other alleged country.

I don’t believe in countries.

I don’t think hierarchies or borders exist in reality; only in the minds of people, and that belief in those things, like a belief in Santa Claus, are planted in people, by other people, for purposes of reinforcing those at the top of the imaginary hierarchies and on the ‘right’ side of the lines drawn with sticks in the sand by monkeys.

I do not give my consent, to be governed.

I withhold my signature from this social contract thing.

We The People rule nothing.

Your democracy is a lie.

Capitalism means that a profit margin is built into every missile and tank and bomber, and into every ‘vaccine’.

It means that the more these weapons are used, the more will be replaced, and the greater the profits flowing to the minions of Satan.

The war machine is a self-perpetuating fiction with real and dire consequences.

Meanwhile on the ground: dog meme, cat meme.

Meanwhile on the ground the sun is shining brightly at last.

They say it will be that way for the next four days.

Sometimes they are right.

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