Bad Platform

This is the dream; talking about cool and interesting things, attracting a third of a million subscribers, 44K views on a video.

It’s not like it could never happen. Maybe I just got in too late?

YT continues to rip views off my videos for no apparent reason and I went looking to find out if it was just me. Should I be relieved that it’s not?

How, how, how can I grow my channel?

Is it not fair to call it a psyop in some ways?

A lot of those comments come from a rash of disappearing views from a year ago, but they’re at it again hardcore in recent weeks.

When God is insane and deuteronomous and full of algorhythmic caprice, it’s definitely time to find a new god.

I want very much to do just that, and to reduce the Google product to an afterthought in my workflow.

I worked hard on that yesterday on, first trying to resuscitate things on the Rumble side.

Problems with that approach remain.

I got my foot in the door at Odysee:

For some reason the same two-second clip I posted to Rumble is blackscreen on Odysee.

Still unsatisfied, still searching doggedly on “best youtube alternative”, I came across this soothing little clip:

Bye YouTube, Hello PeerTube 📺 (no ads, decentralised, privacy-friendly! — Diode Zone)

They really did bail completely on YT, and 2+ years later they really are still chugging along and producing content via Peertube.

Maybe that’s the way.

I’m not up to speed with it yet. I have a very modest degree of hope.

I’ll give that hope some polish on this blessed gray Sunday.


In the meantime, here are some leftovers from Saturday’s sojourn.

Four smart guys sitting around talking generally about the Big Tech problems in our lives.

Matt Orfalea documenting more YT shenanigans and fuckery.

… and …

Louis Rossmann

A guy who also has a Rumble presence, which also is not updated as frequently as his YT, somewhat ironically.

Two of his many anti-YT videos, on YT:

Youtube wants us to pay for views – this platform is circling the drain

in response (to YT’s lawyers)

I wish him truly well in his new self-appointed goal of “sticking a twig in the eye of a bully”.

I have no twig to spare myself, and that’s a more pressing matter, for me, right now.