Quiet Burning Slow

Set to post as It becomes a september, whatever that is.

He didn’t walk and he didn’t pray on the last day of the august. He slept nine hours and posted three respectable-length videos that used up almost all the old backstash of footage from the month just passed.

Where the third person came from just now I can’t say. But the point is, something was done, a thing that can be pointed to, and even viewed on the rusting Internets. Maybe it amounts to art, but at least for sure it amounts to


THEY say, in a very unsteady and completely unverified tone, that ten or fourteen hours from now someone is supposed to be by, to yank forty-two feet of trailer on out of this forsaken driveway and up to some greener grass.

They say I should trail the trailer, in the Pearl, and leave the Pearl up there sitting next to it, and then wait there, for some unspecified but low number of days while they both settle in to the northerly soils.

And then I’ll be allowed to come back down; in a Sunday Morning Coming Down type of Way, in some expeditionary rental car.

Back, to the wreckage and the crapstorm tornado that was, will be, left behind.

It may sound like I am complaining, but in fact and conversely, I am almost completely done now with all the complaining.

Relatively speaking, I am asked to help much more than I am asked if I need help.

Recently, I was asked how it was going … I answered honestly.

And upon hearing my dismal report, my inquirer said: “Well if you’re asking for help, I don’t have any to give”.

I was not asking for help.

I have never, actually, asked this inquirer for help.

I almost never ask anyone, for any kind of help.

So it pissed me off pretty sharply for a moment.

I have to say that there are people who help me, often without being asked at all. Help regularly, even once a month like clockwork.

I am deeply grateful, to my Patrons past and present, large and small.

I am stunned by that kind of generosity, and delighted.

But, posting a Patreon link aside, I would never ask for it.

The reverse is not true. I am asked, and often.

I’m not sure why that is, or how karma exactly is supposed to work.


Rolling back south I will be seriously considering whether Autarky is the answer to all these inquiries, questions, and metaphysical conundra.

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