New Native LandGrab

Maui Residents Erupt In Rage

Related via tangent to yesterday’s post.

You will not learn about any of it, diligently watching CNN or MSNBC. The bosses of their pretty anchorpeople and spokesdrones don’t want you to know. Up and down the chain there, everybody’s been well paid not to give a fuck.

There’s no water. There is nowhere to spend the laughably insulting $700 relief checks. But what there is, is miles and miles of blackout fence around the whole perimeter of the fire. Already. See for yourself.

Is this … a crime scene? Or are they just getting ready to make it into one, even before caring for the dead and injured and homeless and hungry?

And oh–cops. Lots and lots of cops in uniforms no one recognizes, on top of the National Guard.

How long will it take, before your town becomes Flint or Jackson or East Palestine or Lahaina, and what will you do when it happens?

Thank capitalist Jesus this is still a democracy, whatever in His name that even means any more.

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