Guest Hostess

If you’re even still here, you’re sick of hearing it from me.

So let’s pass the mic to pretty and talented actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Both Parties Are Hopelessly Corrupt!

Her subject is the rot at the heart of what’s left of ‘democracy’.


(PS: I have no clue what happened to part 2 of this. I assume it’s behind some kind of paywall. Is that corrupt? No baby, it’s just bidness. America! Find it for me and I’ll post it. Even if she … 90 degree nosedives into Blue MAGA. I promise.)


I have a good friend and patron who told me once that she stays registered Republican so she can vote in their primaries and help weed out the worst of them. I have other patrons who, although solid Dems in recent years, tend in their hearts toward a natural conservatism.

This one’s for you guys. Go Vivek! (although he’ll go without help from me, given his dumb normie view of China and the simple fact that he’s an R).

Debate Debrief with Vivek Ramaswamy | SYSTEM UPDATE #137

You want to back an underdog who is looking more like a winner every week, dontcha?

You could do worse.


BRICS Adds Six New Members and now Controls 40% of Global GDP

One of the new members is Saudi Arabia, which means that this spells the beginning of the real end for the petrodollar.

Another of them is Iran, who a year ago were mortal enemies of the Saudis, until a peace was brokered between them by China. Now they are in economic alliance with both, and Russia, and India, and so on.

The so-called Pax Americana, the unipolarity of the hegemon, is dying swiftly, yet the Empire is still imposing sanctions for one reason or another on one-third of the world’s population.

And thereby it continues to blow off its own toes, diplomatically and economically, and if I may be so bold … spiritually.

This shambles is what the Biden presidency will be remembered for, long after Hunter and his dad The Big Guy are exposed and removed from civilized life.

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