Life as an Anarch

Biden Scandals & Trump Indictments w/ Robert Barnes

A long and wide-ranging discussion of the American scene. Yes it is focused on what it says in the title. But those are not the interesting parts.

A few of the interesting parts:

–Fifty percent of young American men have no relationship or any real hope of ever getting one, because fifty percent of young American women are chasing after the most successful five percent of the men.

–The rate of rejection for car loans is the highest it has been in many years, because even the loosest lenders don’t believe that people can actually afford the price of a car, and they are right to doubt it.

–Among the general non-gentrified population, nobody can even afford a reasonable roof over their heads, even if they have a job, or two.

–There used to be a party for the working class, and they were called the Democrats. Now that the Democrats are the party of the comfortable urban gentry and the professional-managerial class, the working class has nowhere to go …

–Except maybe a slow but accelerating drift in the direction of Trump.

–Every time Trump is indicted, his poll numbers go up, and this is primarily because he’s not seen anymore as the sleazy real estate developer he once was, but rather as just another victimized punching bag of the system that created all of the above.

You’re welcome to keep on telling me how much you hate the guy, whether or not you have any real idea why, except that nice Mr. Cooper and smart Ms. Maddow, both of them multi-millionaires, keep telling you that only bad people like him, and anyone good is obligated to seethe with that hate.

They’re full of shit. There are a lot of more or less good people out here in Shitsville that like him, and there are more of them every day, due to the fact that no one else can even come close to credibly claiming to have their best interests at heart.

Trump is full of shit too of course.

But the average destitute unloved young person in this country has been living on the verge of being economically crushed for years, and now dear old Uncle Joe, the same man who once upon a time made it impossible to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy, is getting ready to reignite the meat grinder that this same system of ‘education’ debt has become, and push their hapless asses right over the fucking edge and out into the street.

Or maybe just into Mom’s basement for life, if they’re that lucky.

Will America be great again? Oh, I doubt it. Regardless of what you may think great is.

Instead, the great red, white and blue dumpster fire is at hand, and the flames that rage give not one shadow of a shit who you piously vote for, or denounce as a fascist, or what regimes you want to overthrow, or which version of the lying ‘news’ you choose to take seriously.

Abandon all hope, ye who dwelleth here.

One thought on “Life as an Anarch

  1. I left one thing out.

    You know that story they gave you about nailing the fucker on a crime so heinous that he would be forbidden from being elected, or even running again?

    That was a lie too, to get you all het up to taste legal blood.

    The Constitution sets a very low bar for who can be President. Basically it says you have to be a citizen 35 or older.

    He can run from prison if he wants. He could even win.

    Personally I’ll vote for Dr. West if I have the chance. But, just spitballing, if you offer me a choice only between more of this fumbling doddering two-Americas imperialist death rattle (under Joe or Prettyboy Newsome or Little Twinkie Petey), and a mush-head rube run afoul of this corrupt so-called Justice System …

    I’m going to have to seriously consider my fellow prisoner, regardless of what I think of him, just out of an inappropriate solidarity.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that; and all due apologies in advance.

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