What We Chose

In March of this year the poorest ten percent of Americans, 30 million of them, got a robocall from their government, telling them that their monthly food stamp allotments were being slashed, at a time when food prices were spiking violently upward.

The cuts freed up 113 billion in revenue.

In the same month, a Congress full of shitbags voted almost unanimously to send almost exactly the same amount of money to the noble and valiant freedom fighters of the most corrupt (and deliberately corrupted) country in what passes these days for Europe.

Doubtless some kind of weird coincidence. Doubtless.

Warmongering Is KILLING The U.S. Middle Class – RFK Jr.

That story is the central point of rfkjr’s interview with Jimmy Dore.

One the one hand we have the evil problem of ‘income inequality’, which really means the brutalizing of citizens without money via a shotgun spread of mechanisms, like medical debt, and various kinds of loan debt, zealous ‘law enforcement’, inflation, and the shredding of the already threadbare safety net.

On the other is the Machine of Permanent War conducted everywhere by covert means and through 800 very expensive military bases all around the world.

The two parts are of a whole. They are two heads of the same red white and blue hydra.

It is heartening, in a limited way, to hear how clearly Robert Kennedy sees this, and to hear him articulate it so well.

I won’t be switching my voter registration to vote for him in the primary, if there even is a primary, as I did for old weaselly Bern.

I’ve taken my little purity pledge. No fucking D’s, and no fucking R’s.

But you haven’t.

Listen to him at least for these twenty minutes, as a concerned and enfranchised citizen.

If you can honestly prefer the moral illness of the Biden administration to a Kennedy, well, go with god, I guess.

If you can’t, then maybe send the man a few bucks, and dream.

Of an America not quite so badly broken.