The Visitor

Just Passin’ Thru Man: So what about you, then … what have you been up to?

V: In a couple of days, I will have posted a walking video every single day for a month.

JPTM: Wull, yeah, but what do you want to do? (Like for a real job, or manly pursuit.)

V: I am doing exactly what I want to do.

JPTM: Ya mean ‘Nothing’? Hur dee dur.

V: …

V: Ya bro.

V: That’s exactly what I mean. Sure.


The Lord God: ‘If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat’. I decreed it, on my Proverbs Twitter.

V: But I am working. Just not for you, or the Man. I showed you on my Leviticus Tube.

Speaking of your Twitter, didn’t you once tweet “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, because of this the world hates you” ?

The Lord God: Everybody makes mistakes, son, and you’re making a big one.

V: Can I take my gun up to heaven? I’d rather not take a bullet from Your peacekeeping force.

TLG: …

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