Cornell and the Greens

The inside baseball on why Cornell West shifted his candidacy away from The People’s Party and decided to run in the Green Party primary instead.

Featuring the thinker that made it happen, the estimable Mr. Chris Hedges.

Here’s Why Cornel West Switched To Green Party In Presidential Campaign

Personally speaking he would have been my candidate either way. But the switch makes it much more likely that others will feel the same, and it also raises his chances of victory from zero to … well, just above zero ….

One of these days we will eventually get a chance to see who RFKjr and Marianne really are, too, depending on who they chose to endorse a year from now, if not sooner.

The same will be true of the Ocasio-Cortez and Khanna types in the House. The Nina Turners of the world.

And maybe of you too.

If I love you now, and I do, I will love you then either way.

But please, just for me, at least consider the question with an open heart.

(PS: I still believe that american electoral democracy is a bad and sick joke, and I will never put myself in a position to get burned again like we got burned with the Bern. But right now my vote and your vote don’t matter at all. This is a choice to embrace a Just Above Zero possibility and I’m taking it.

After the 2000 elections I took a lot of alleged blame for voting Nader and ‘electing’ George Bush, even though I didn’t live in Florida. I rejected the allegation then. I will be happy to cheerfully reject it again should anyone be tempted to try and pin DeSantis or whoever on me.

True blue Democrats: You want my vote? It won’t be free this time, and that is the whole story. Earn it Joe. Or, alternatively, fuck right off. It makes no difference to me either way.)

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